Tuesday, January 5, 2010


He really liked her a lot. Have seen her quite a lot but not from close proximities. In the street, in public places, and sometimes in revelries of the housing. She was a very warm girl, from a cultured but very poor family.


He has lost his wife when his only daughter sumi was one year old, he loved Mohini so much that he decided to never marry again. Then Sumi started to grow up and by the time she celebrated her tenth birthday he realized why little girls need a mother.


Still he was scared to go for arranged marriages. He loved Sumi too much. He did what he thought was right, he asked his mother and sister to see if Shobha liked Sumi. He had confidence on himself because he has often seen her blush at him. He was a very handsome and nice man, that’s what his friends told him again and again. Specially the girlfriends.



The verdict was passed a few months later; both his mother and sister unanimously said that she was not the right type of girl. He never doubted their decision.  


They found out someone else for him, and he got married. Sikta was his sister’s sister in law.


He was returning from office that night when he suddenly stumbled into Shobha. She was coming out of a small orphanage situated near his office.


“Hi! Visiting?” he asked.


“No, I spend every weekend here. I come here after office on Friday and leave on Saturday night. I love children and I love to spend some time with them.” She said softly. “How is Sumi? She asks me a lot about Matrikror (mother’s lap), she was insisting a lot on Thursday when we met, to bring her here.” She laughed a little.


“Sumi knows you?” he was surprised.


“Yes, of course, she is the cutest child of the housing. She comes to my home every day at-least once. My family dotes on her. You are blessed to have an angel like her in your life.” She beamed.



“Ma, do you remember Shobha?” he asked his mother the next day, “The girl you rejected?”


“Yes, of course. Why not?” his mother replied.


“Why did you reject her?” he asked sounding casual.


“She was extremely rude and cold to Sumi.” Was her reply, “Why are you asking these questions now?”


“Nothing…” he got up and left the room to sleep.


“Sumi, do you know Shobha aunty?” he asked his daughter, they were out for a small trip to the local zoo. Only father and daughter. He was about to have his second child, so Sikta was at her mother’s place.


“Shobha aunty loves us a lot. We all go to her home to play, learn dance, recitation and songs.” Sumi said. Then she started to speak about Shobha endlessly, it did not took him long to realize that all the children of the housing doted after Shobha.


He realized why his mother and sister has rejected Shobha, not because of her nature but because of money. Sikta has brought a huge lump of dowry with her.


It was true that Sikta was not unkind to Sumi, but she did not love her either. He wondered what will happen after his mother dies or her own child is born.

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