Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The lie

“I lied to you.” He said, “And most probably God punished me for that.” His eyes welled up.


They were sitting side by side on a park bench, facing the river Ganges. Sun was setting, casting a red glow on the silver water of the river.


She softly laid her hand on his. “Don’t be so cruel on yourself. That’s a common game married men play, since time immemorial.”


“You could have done worse, you might have taken advantage of my blind love for you, which you did not.”


“Your wife’s death was an accident. It did not had any thing to do with the trick you played with me. God is not that cruel.”


Aritra and Ratri were net friends, who stumbled into each other on internet and had too much in common. They became very good friends. Aritra doted on Ratri, Ratri was quite practical, she knew cyber romances don’t last so she kept her mind in place.


Then they met, and she fell in love, he was a unique being. Extremely handsome and virtuous. The thing which bowled her over was through out their date he did not touched her even once.


He returned to his town and instantly terminated the romantic side of the friendship, though she tried to win his heart back but it appeared it has become ice cold.


“I fell in love the moment I saw you, but I knew I will never be able to cheat you or cause you pain. So I instantly changed myself but I could not forget you.”


“Amita was too busy in her career, we have loved each other for first ten years, but then she got completely stuck up in her career, she did not had any time for us. I and our two children, Amit and Aratrika.”


“Then I met you on net and I started to flirt with you, but the day I saw you it changed to love.”


“Amita was out in one of her business trips last year and a reckless driver rammed into her car. She was dead before arriving to the hospital.”


“That’s when I completely vanished from your life. Because I thought I got my punishment and I will spend my days with my children. I never thought you will find me out.”


“I still love you.” She softly held his hand and then held it with both her hands firmly.

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