Sunday, December 20, 2009


She  arrived in kolkata from a remote village of Bihar with one dream in her eyes, become Tollygunge’s Madhuri Dixit. She ended up as the mistress of a lower rung director, fat, old and ugly…. But with enough money to fulfill her whims, as long as they were logical.


She was sick of the whole affair, she could not break free because she did not had anywhere to go, and she knew that she wont go anywhere with him either. He was married with a son.  A son who was couple of years older than her. She  felt absolute repulsion whenever he touched her but he has not forced himself upon her, it was she who has trapped and netted him.


She was shopping in a plaza when she saw him shopping at a distance with his family. She took the cover of a shelf so he could not see her. His wife was an average looking, decent woman and his son was autistic. Quite amply autistic, with enough control on limbs but not much control over worldly wisdom or ways.


A couple of months went away, Mr. Sisodia returned home after a trip abroad. His wife Chanchal was waiting for him in the airport.  


She gave him a huge smile, “Rakesh has searched a bride for himself. Can you believe it? I like her too. She is from some small town in Bihar.”


“She said she knows you, and respects you a lot.” She added, “She has struggled for a while in Tollygunge before realizing its too dirty. She was working in the same office with Rakesh and they fell in love.”


“She knows me? Well, invite her for dinner tomorrow, I want to see who is she!” he said casually.


“Mom, Dad meet Ragini, the girl I talked about.” Rakesh happily announced. Mr. Sisodia stared at the demure girl standing behind him.


She talked very little, and left after dinner. Both Mrs. Sisodia and Rakesh were charmed by her.


“You did not asked her to send her parents to us to finalize the date?” his wife asked him when they were sitting in the balcony together. Rakesh has gone to drop Ragini home.


Mr. Sisodia only stared at her.

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