Thursday, September 17, 2009


Maitreyee knew that every one will laugh at her, but she did it. She told her parents firmly and clearly that she wont marry Amal under no circumstances. Amal was a quite a tempting groom under worldly measures but in Maitreyee’s eyes he was nothing.

Maitreyee has observed him observing her for more than two years, he seemed obsessed by her, he was an educated, good looking guy from an affluent family. But that was only the upper crust, his manners were horrible, mannerwise he resembled the famous character Hagar The Horrible more than normal human beings. The sound of his munching and swallowing was audible from the other end of the room, so were the remaining sounds, gurgling, yawning, coughing, sneezing…all were loud enough to wake up dead from their slumber.

Where as Maitreyee was very mild mannered girl, it was hard to know that she is present in the room, she was born and brought up in a very polished environment so it was not possible for her to adjust with a person like Amal, with so very loud manners.

Her parents were absolutely mad at her for turning down the offer. But Maitreyee stood her ground. Amal got married and deliberately came to Maitreyee to introduce his wife, who was far more sweet looking and cuter than Maitreyee.

A couple of years later Maitreyee married some one of her own choice, Ramesh was a very simple guy, working in a government office in clerical post, he was as ordinary looking as Maitreyee, but their similarities begin there. They had more common in between themselves than uncommon.

After spending a couple of years happily with Ramesh, Maitreyee told the story to Amal’s wife, who was very happily married to Amal, that if she would have married Amal by the pressure of her parents, it would have ruined two people, whereas her decision has made four people happy.

Marriage should occur only amongst people who can respect and like each other whole heartedly, then only they will be able to take the remaining hardships of life, which are bound to come. These waves are tackled by the oars of mutual love and respect, without which the boat will sink, no matter how costly or beautiful it is.


  1. Good point. But dissimilarities often work out strangely too :)

  2. yes.. but finally its love that matters.. if love is too strong people ignore every thing else.. i have seen it in myself too many times, every time i love a person i become better.. because when i love a person i completely judge and accept him/her just the way he/she is.. or else i walk off. but i dont try to change them, i change my point of view if it doesnot clashes with my core nature/principles.
