Monday, September 21, 2009


The very first person Prerna noticed after joining her new office was Shubhro. The more see saw him the more she was impressed with him, she was a small town girl, who has shifted her base to Calcutta for career. Most of the colleagues of her new office used to brow beat her, they had a very tensed and competitive work environment, every one was ready for the run, not minding to trample down the person coming in way. Prerna being the fresher, often used to be that one in the way. She used to find this environment very hurting and depressing, that’s when she started to notice Shubhro, who was quite unlike every one around him, he knew what he wanted, but he knew another thing, that it is not necessary to hurt any one to get what one wants. He always kept to himself, seldom smiled, but whenever he talked it used to soothe the person he was talking to, whereas it also gave a clear message that it was wise not to mess with him. His softness was his greatest strength.

Prerna slowly found a group of friends who were not so go-getter and had some time for warmth and relaions. During one of their discussion Prerna asked about Shubhro and came to know that he has been married for a brief period, but his wife passed away, leaving behind a autistic daughter. Shubhro used to die for his wife and dotes after his daughter, Titli. After hearing it her heart went out for him, and her respect for him grew, she knew the true reason for his kind nature, as he has known pain from so close, he was not interested to hurting others, but he did not invited pains inflicted to him either.

They lived close to each other, one day while she was taking a stroll in the nearby park, she saw Shubhro sitting on a bench, and beside him was a small figure, she guessed who it was and went towards them with a smile. Shubhro responded back with a warm smile, and Prerna instantly switched her attention to the little one, she was crazy about children, and after shifting to the hostel, she was missing those she has left at her home. She saw a very innocent face, filled with divine purity. She smiled at Titli and she grinned back, mumbling some thing in her own special language.

She asked Shubhro if she can share the bench with them for some time, if she is not intruding and he laughed. Within half an our Prerna was having the time of her life with Titli and Shubhro was watching them with amusement.

Soon those meetings became regular, whenever Prerna used to see Shubhro walking into the park she used to come down to join them, slowly and steadily Titli filled up her life with her completely unselfish and devoted love. Her love was like an overflowing river knowing no bound, the moment she used to see Prerna enter the park, she used to run at her with her faltering steps and hug her so hard that she had to use both of her hands to release herself and hug her. She became so attached with her that she started to visit his home every day, where he used to live with his elderly mother and Titli. Soon the four of them became unseparable.

One year later every one in office was happy to know that Prerna and Shubhro are getting married, and after marriage Prerna will be working from home. When some overcurious friends asked Prerna that will she be able to love Titli after she gives birth to her own child, she just laughed and said that it was Titli who taught her to love, and no one forgets her elder daughter after another son or daughter is born.


  1. Autistic children are often very intelligent, they just have no control over limbs and movements. Mentally disabled ones are even worse.

    I know you don't believe in rebirth, but I often think that these innocent children are saints reborn to get rid of their karma shishta

  2. dear sam,
    so do i, if i accept rebirth for a second..they are either saints or cursed angels.
    the missionary of charity center i worked for "dayadan" serves these children, they are severely autistic.
    it is on the other end of kolkata, otherwise i would have started going there again.
    those children are cursed angels, that much i can vow too.
